天主教每日青年新宝体育app会在圣. 艾格尼丝

St. 艾格尼丝学院
Are you interested in resources to help encourage your spiritual growth? Read about a Catholic daily devotional for young adults at Catholic high schools such as St. 艾格尼丝.
新宝体育app is an essential part of education in a Dominican Catholic school. St. Dominic was known to pray in nine different ways, both through his body and mind.

St. 艾格尼丝的学生 被鼓励将他们的思想引向他们的信仰, incorporate 新宝体育app for class and other important issues into their daily lives, and assume the responsibility to act on behalf of social justice in light of the Gospel.

Let’s review our recommended guide for a Catholic daily devotional for young adults to carry with you through each season of life at St. 艾格尼丝.

A Catholic Daily Devotional for Young Adults for Each Day of the Week

如果我们问St. 艾格尼丝 student what a daily devotional might look like for them, 你可能会找到以下经文, 反射, 和新宝体育app.


Building Community Scripture: "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.——马太福音18:20

反思:今天,反思一下 新宝体育app的重要性. 考虑一下如何加强圣. 并成为彼此支持的源泉.

祷告:天父, we thank you for the community we have in our school. 帮助我们培养这些纽带,在信仰中共同成长. 阿门.


The Power of 新宝体育app Scripture: "Do not be anxious about anything, 但是在所有事情中, 通过新宝体育app和祈求, 在感恩节, 把你的请求告诉上帝.——腓立比书4:6

反思:新宝体育app是与上帝联系的有力方式. Spend time in 新宝体育app today, lifting up your hopes, concerns, and gratitude to the Lord.

新宝体育app: Gracious God, hear our 新宝体育apps and guide us in our daily lives. May our conversations with you deepen our faith and trust in your plan. 阿门.


讲道的艺术:学习 多明尼加布道传统. Reflect on the ways you can 传 the Gospel through your actions, 单词, 以及与他人的互动.

新宝体育app:主, 求祢赐给我们智慧,使我们成为祢教导的活榜样, 与我们周围的人分享你的爱和恩典. 阿门.


Embracing Study Scripture: "Study to show yourself approved by God, 一个不必感到羞耻的工人.——提摩太后书2:15

Reflection: Education is a gift that allows us to better understand the world and our faith. Today, reflect on how you can approach your studies with a spirit of curiosity and dedication.

祷告:天父, bless our studies and grant us the wisdom to grow in knowledge and understanding of your creation. 阿门.


United in Faith Scripture: "May they all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I am in you.——约翰福音17:21

Reflection: Reflect on the unity that comes from sharing a common faith. Consider how you can support one another in your spiritual journeys.

新宝体育app:主, help us to be united in faith, recognizing that we are all part of your larger family. 愿我们的结合成为你爱的见证. 阿门.


The Gift of Learning: Take some time today to engage in a period of focused study. Embrace the joy of learning and appreciate the opportunity to grow intellectually.

祷告:慈爱的上帝,我们感谢你赐予我们教育. May our studies lead us to a deeper understanding of your wisdom and truth. 阿门.


Spreading Good 新闻 Scripture: "Go into all the world and 传 the gospel to all creation.——马可福音16:15

Reflection: Consider how you can share the Good 新闻 with those around you. 你的言行可以证明你的信仰.

新宝体育app:主, help us to be bold in sharing your message of 爱, hope, and redemption with others. 愿我们的生命成为祢恩典的活见证. 阿门.


在你高中四年的旅程中, you may find these daily 反射 inspire you to embrace the pillars of community, 新宝体育app, 说教, 和研究. 也有 无尽的灵修》 that can be found online for any stage of life you may find yourself in. 

学院女生的信仰是一种生活, 进化的旅程, and each day is an opportunity to grow closer to God and live out the 多明尼加值 ,圣. 艾格尼丝学院.

There is no wrong way to pray or to reflect on your relationship with God. 一个虔诚的 仅仅是一种鼓励精神成长的方法吗. Our Theology teachers and school leaders incorporate 新宝体育app and opportunities for spiritual growth in abundance as a way to help students deepen their relationship with God while navigating the challenges and joys of young adulthood within the loving embrace of the St. 艾格尼丝学院新宝体育app.
进一步了解我们的 神学部门, how to incorporate a Catholic daily devotional for young adults into your daily life, and how St. 艾格尼丝 helps students find their voice and deepen their faith during their four years on campus.